Human Together

lindsay clare Over the last few years I've read A LOT of blogs. I noticed while reading 'mom blogs' they were and are consistent with the same light-hearted theme. This of course is great, but I always wondered if that really reflects their life. Like excuse me, but is your house always that clean? Are your kids always that happy? Do you really manage to bake vegan cupcakes and document it, all while your child is quietly watching you and smiling? Am I just doing this entire thing WRONG!? Well, I couldn't tell you. Maybe their life really is just as it seems. Maybe it isn't. Who knows. What I do know-  is my way. I know my house piles up, my kids spill shit constantly, and there's screaming and fighting going on every 10 minutes. That's just how we roll I guess. I try (I said TRY), to never judge anyone's way of doing anything, whether it's parenting or tying a shoe. We're all different, and that's a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, this last year and a half has clearly presented the ugliness that can come from our differences, I admittedly being part of that. We live in a really sad time. I wish the entire world could take 10 steps back, hold hands and feel what it is that ties us together. Because in all those differences, we forget how similar we really are. We're all just a bunch of walking cells that make us the same exact thing: HUMAN.

Anyway, tonight I was wearing my "100% Human" tee by Everlane and felt compelled to take a photo, post it, and share with anyone who cares to read this. Everlane is a really cool, modern brand, and definitely a favorite of mine. When they recently came out with this collection of tees, I felt there was such a power behind the simple phrase. In Everlane's words, "We don't always agree. Different politics. Different priorities. But it does't mean we have to be divided. This year, let's celebrate being 100% Human Together."

You hear that people?? CELEBRATE BEING HUMAN TOGETHER!!!

(and also go buy yourself one)


-Lindsay xx